
Notice: Calculations are correct only for a battle between two armies. If there are more armies, then there may be a slight discrepancy in the results due to the rounding of the results for each of the participating armies. Also, additional penalty on 1 unit to each type of units of each of the armies of the losing side is not taken into account here

A battle can be initiated between any two armies located in the same settlement

The battle takes from 10c to 24 hours, depending on the ratio of the size of the armies that first join the battle.

The closer the size of the armies, the longer the battle lasts. Unequal armies end the battle very quickly

The damage that troops inflict on each other depends on the time of the battle

% of Losses = (total defense of troops / total damage of enemies) * (total battle time / 18 hours)

75% of the time, the battle is in the lobby stage, where any army can join one side of the battle

The battle time does not change as a result of the addition of new armies to one or both sides

If the difference in the size of the army is less than 2 times, then the full time of battle will always be 18 hours

If the difference in army sizes is greater than 2, then the

total battle time = 18*2*smaller army size/larger army size

A battle with a maneuvering army cannot last more than the time left before the end of the maneuver

For example: Battle time with an army of 100 units

As a result of the fight, there is no winning or losing side. Both sides suffer losses.

The side with the higher percentage of losses is additionally penalized: all its armies receive an Exhaustion time equal to 25% of the battle, and each army loses 1 of all types of troops

  1. Initial composition

  2. Losses

  3. Destroyed Enemies

  4. Survivors

Last updated